Citizen Compensation for Poor Public Service Delivery: A Civil Rights Perspective


  • Rudita Laode Universitas Indonesia



Civil Rights; Compensation; Public Services


Enforcement of civil rights in obtaining proper services is a problem that arises in both the public and private sectors. It requires the readiness of service organizers to provide service standards that are stipulated in the Law. One of the problems that today has not been resolved is the provision of compensation to the citizens due to the non-fulfillment of service standards. This research was carried out to answer the question of what impact is caused by the absence of a public service compensation mechanism, and what kind of public service compensation mechanism is appropriate. This research is normative legal research, conducted using a statutory approach and analytical approach. The conclusion is Public Services Law amendment and the enactment of the Presidential Decree concerning public service compensation mechanism is urgent to ensure legal certainty for the citizens in obtaining proper public services.


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2023-04-30 — Updated on 2023-12-18


How to Cite

Laode, Rudita. (2023) 2023. “Citizen Compensation for Poor Public Service Delivery: A Civil Rights Perspective”. Brawijaya Law Journal 10 (1):19-33.