Estate Planning in the Digital Age: RUFADAA as a Lesson to be Learnt to Improve the Syrian Personal Status Law
Digital Assets; Digital Death; Inheritance; ISPs; Personal Status Act. SyriaAbstract
For any country to effectively regulate new technology and keep up with technological advancements, serious legal measures must be taken to ensure that the law is up-to-date. Today's world is increasingly digitalized, with almost all actions taking place in the virtual world. Since then, our data has become digital and can be stored on multiple devices or networks. As a result of this digital transformation, the issue of digital inheritance emerged, which determines what happens to digital assets after a person dies. In Syria, as in many countries worldwide, the years of war and economic issues have driven the attention of legislators away from technological advancement, leaving a variety of legal gaps. Regarding digital inheritance, no specific law or even research has addressed the legal issues arising from digital inheritance and estate planning, adding an additional layer of ambiguity that requires in-depth legal analysis. Thus, this study will examine the viability of the Syrian inheritance law to address the legal issues raised by digital assets after death. The study follows doctrinal legal research, critically analysing legal provisions to improve the current state of the law. The result showed the absence of any clarification on the concept or legal approach to digital assets after death, limiting their provisions to tangible assets while ignoring the role and value of digital assets. Various suggestions have been proposed to fill in this legal gap. These measures must be taken to ensure that the law is up-to-date with the latest developments in technology.
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List Of Laws And Law And Legislations
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Syrian Arab Republic, People Assembly, Civil procedures code, Law No. 1 of 2016
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Syrian Arab Republic, People Assembly, personal Status Act, Law No. 59 of 1953
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