Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016): Law and Human Rights Issues

					View Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016): Law and Human Rights Issues

The acknowledgment of Human Rights by International community required State’s implementation on its domestic Laws and Policy. However, while all State promised sufficient implementation of human rights, in its practice often the implementation of human rights still unsatisfactory.

This issue addresses Law and Human Rights Issue. It comprises of six selected papers, which underwent strict editorial process as expected from its status as international legal journal. This issue consists of various topics, ranging from censorship issue to forest management. It begins with a paper on capital punishment from the perspective of non-derogable rights, followed by the comparison of censorship policy between China and South-Korea. Further papers include freedom of speech from human rights perspective, the analyses of the promotion of justice post-Soeharto era in Indonesia, forrest management from human rights perspective and it is ended with a paper entitled the reposition of Prosecutor in Indonesian Constitutional System. Those papers were presented from Indonesia and Australia with their own specialty.

Published: 2016-06-06
