
  • Mohamad Rif'an Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Hary Setiawan Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Adam Wisnuaji Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia


Industry, Forest, Village, Village Forest Management


1945 opening noble nation Indonesia is an agreement to live together (modus vivendi) in bonding the plural nation. The Modus Vivendi, has given birth to the state's objective, which is the nation's identity and guidelines in their stride. Thus, the constitution has mandated the State to be responsible for the welfare of the people. Indonesia has the second largest tropical forest in the world with high economic value that can be managed by the state and society. This allows for the utilization of various types of plants and economic aspects of the utilization of forest products. In preparation result is a pity forests is not optimal either with intensive and with many requests deforestation or forest land conversion. Deforestation well planned and unplanned forest. On the other hand, Indonesia which acknowledges the existence of the village government and the empowerment of the rural community empowerment which is a process for making the community to improve the quality of life for the better is weak then the need for the existence of the role of government in the village of Village forest management as one of the rights of the villagers. The type of research is normative juridical. Hence this paper initiated a grand design Village forest management to complete the processing and utilization of forest products that are integrated with the role of the village government as a system intended to pengoptimalam supply chain production as one of the important indicators of development and resilience of economies in each region using variable results income forests as principal.



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The Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia 1945;

Act No. 5/ 1990 About Natural Resources Conservation Biodiversity and Their Ecosystems.

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Act No.19 Tahun 2004 About the Announcement of Government Regulations for replacement of Law Number 1 Year 2004 about the amendment of Act No. 41 The year 1999 About Forestry Act.

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Decision of Constitutional Court No. 35/Puu-X/2012.

The Government Regulation No. 6/2007 Jo PP 3 Years 2008 about forest governance and planning, Forests and Forest Utilization




How to Cite

Rif’an, Mohamad, Hary Setiawan, and Adam Wisnuaji. 2016. “THE ROLE OF THE VILLAGE IN FOREST MANAGEMENT: HUMAN RIGHTS PERSPECTIVES”. Brawijaya Law Journal 3 (1):79-94.